Join The african's top incubator program for high school students.

Powering the Africa’s next generation of innovators & entrepreneurs

Registrations for the 2025 edition are open until September 15, 2024.

We help young people

transform the lives tackle global challenges Build the future solve real problems

Schule Z Africa is a 6-month pan-african innovation program designed for ambitious high school students aged 13 to 22. We equip young people with the entrepreneurship skills and emerging technologies to solve humanity’s challenges.

Teaching Technology and entrepreneurship

Schools involved
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0 K+
Countries invited
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Startup projects
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« We must no longer allow our education system to function as a machine for producing legions of unemployed people. »

His Majesty King Mohammed VI,

may God assist Him

Countries involved

The 2025 edition of Schule Z Africa will bring together students from seven different countries : Morocco, Benin, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal.

Our core activities

From October 2024 to April 2025, a remarkable opportunity awaits over 70,000 students across Africa

Inspiration Sessions

Inspiration Sessions

140 entrepreneurs and innovators will connect with 70,000 students in 7 countries to inspire them and ignite aspirations.
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Workshops & think10x

Workshops & think10x

Students will benefit from 4 entrepreneurship workshops and 6 workshops on 7 emerging technologies.
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Startup ventures & incubation

Startup ventures & incubation

Under the guidance of mentors, students will form teams to brainstorm and create innovative, real-world startups with a significant impact.
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Young Founders Competition

Young Founders Competition

Students will participate in 3 thematic challenges and a national project idea competition, with the winners having the opportunity to join the Schule Z Fellowship 2025 in Morocco.
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Young innovators Fellowship

Young innovators Fellowship

42 students, winners of the national competitions, will gather in Morocco for 7 days for the 2025 fellowship. They will be able to co-create solutions and participate in the international project idea competition.
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Summer internships

Summer internships

Through partnerships with committed companies and organizations, young talents will be able to benefit from observation internships during the holidays: This will be an enriching experience.
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Our core Values

Equity and Inclusion

Schule Z strive to bridge the gap in educational opportunities, particularly for girls and marginalized groups.

Gender equality 50/50

We champion gender equality and believe in creating a space where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of gender identity.

Learning by Doing

Learning goes beyond textbooks. Students gain practical experience by applying their knowledge to solve real-world challenges through partnerships with companies.

Impact & Sustainability

Schule Z aims to create long-term solutions that empower young people to build a brighter future for themselves and their communities.


Schule Z believes in collaborating with youth, schools, and governments to design and deliver the most effective programs.


The contest has a clear winner structure, motivating students to strive for excellence and outperform their peers.

They learn from real entrepreneurs and technologists, not professors.

Schule Z empowers young people to become entrepreneurs, innovators, and global leaders who can make a positive impact on their communities and the world. We achieve this by fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, equipping them with the skills and mindset to launch purposeful ventures.

Registrations for the 2025 edition are open until September 15, 2024.

Some medias

Partners already involved


Institutional partners

Major contributors

Medias partners

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Fill in this form or send us an e-mail with your inquiry.

Or come visit us at:

301 Howard St. #600
San Francisco, CA 94105